For some people, this may be about 10 days after surgery. I had mastectomy and TRAM flat reconstruction on April 6, 2020. But it doesnt worry me and although occasionally uncomfortable it doesnt hurt. Did you have your lymphedema evaluation? Your surgeon will talk with you about when this may be possible. I just googled abdominal lymphedema and yes, it is a thing, and yes, that is what I have and I'm sure many others with "Buddha belly" have. Like a bowling ball. I had a double mastectomy10 years ago. It was a perk of why I chose it, and I have. How are you doing? When you get home from the hospital, your movements and range of motion will be more limited. Like a bowling ball. Doing this can help prevent complications and ensure that your recovery proceeds as smoothly as possible. I had sentinel lymph nodes taken then and later all nodes in R arm. It can cause: swelling pain an increased risk of infection The fluid normally goes away on its own within a few weeks. Because of this, its unlikely that youll have to return to the hospital or a doctors office to have them removed. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Interested in more discussions like this? Stomach bloating is generally related to several different factors. This depends on your overall health as well as the type of procedure you had. Thanks for listening. I just spoke to a wonderful woman on the support line ( hey I made a pun!) @trixie1313 yes, am pursuing that. They are not keen to remove the fluid unless it is essential, as it tends to build up again quite quickly. When those nodes are removed, Lymphedema may occur. (2020). How long will I be recovering from a mastectomy? I already use compression camisole", "@mariahpendl, I wanted to check in. It is still early days for you after your operation, so you can expect it to still be slightly tender and swollen. You also need to be comfortable wearing a seatbelt. I am a year out of a double mastectomy and seem to develop a lot of upper belly fat. We are always here for you. Thanks, I am going to email my consultants and see if they have recommendations for Physio- you are on it! I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People. I had a CT scan yesterday. No evidence of any liquid to drain out. From surgery to chemotherapy to radiation and for years later, many of those scars remain. Thank you all so much. Go back to your doctor and ask for a scan that will show up fluid. Its a good idea to take another person with you the first time you drive after surgery. (2018). Performing specific exercises after a mastectomy or breast reconstruction can help keep the range of motion in your shoulder and arm, relieve stiffness and pain, and reduce swelling. Once the fluid was aspirated, it almost immediately felt a lot better. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use linked below. A coordinator will follow up to see if Mayo Clinic is right for you. We mustnt just accept. Take your time, but dont ignore the muscles. If you have breast reconstruction during the same surgery, you may have a longer hospital stay, up to a week. I am glad you are paying attention to your body. You have had a double mx but don't say you have been reconstructed, so no tummy interference. I just googled abdominal lymphedema after breast cancer and yes, I'm sure that is what I have, and many others also have. I will probably get the results of that this Friday..I hope. , Well my results turned out different I went for a colonoscopy and an endoscopy today and my doctor said that I could possibly have a hiatal hernia I will be able to confirm it Monday because I'm having a CT scan with contrast and they're supposed to let me know something but so far that's what they say my bump is I pray everybody figures out what theirs is. 1) Observation and better selection of a bra-mastectomy shop is /dissection was not done (?) I now have a very large protruding stomach that seems to get progressively worse as time goes on. Well discuss how long recovery takes, what mastectomy pain is like, and when you can typically return to daily activities. The hospital and my surgeon said the swelling was not swelling, they said my stomach appeared to me to be swollen because I did not have breasts. Might be a bonkers idea but have you asked your medical team if anything external could assist (and be safe)? The amount of stress on the intercostal nerves could be reduced with less invasive techniques such as the VATS technique. It doesn't allow me here. There is often variability between patients, but with Naproxen, one could expect to experience some After time, you will gain back that range of motion assisted by exercise. Complete your request online or contact us by phone. If youre scheduled for a lung cancer surgery, you may have a lot of questions about the procedure and the recovery process. PS would physiotherapy help re strengthening other muscles, what to do/not to do etc? Lymphadema is a very distressing problem. @aiden727 Hi, I'm new here and have been too busy to consistantly lurk! (I dont like regular lymphedema compression sleeves but I do like Solidea brand items, which my therapist recommended.) There are several reasons why constipation may occur after a hysterectomy, including pain medication, a sedentary lifestyle, and a lack of fiber in the diet. Like Helpful Hug 2 Reactions REPLY Over my 5 years of treatment I have found that you need to be proactive with your treatment and my doctors have been very receptive to answering questions. Its important to talk with your surgeon about which specific activities you can do when you get home. I am glad to hear about the MLD and will ask my oncologist to refer me. A mastectomy is designed to take as much breast tissue as the surgeon can, this includes tissue in the arm pit. When you leave the hospital, youll receive information about your recovery at home. For others, it may be longer. It's not caused by gas, which most of the suggestions are referring to. Even after all that, we still dont know everything or we just simply forgot in amongst all that information being thrown our direction. I have very skinny legs and arms, but this huge stomach bulging out!!! I'm not familiar with the details of this type of procedure or the complication which has occurredjust very sorry you have found yourself in this situation. So, for now, Im sticking with my detox tea, exercise and yoga to try to get my body back in balance. For me, the BC nightmare never ends. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use linked below. One common reason why your stomach may be bigger after a hysterectomy is constipation. I had a double mastectomy with no reconstruction about 3.5 years ago. I was vigilant but in the end I had no idea how bad my lymphedema was or what risk I was really at for this. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. Surprised how many women are experiencing abdominal bloating. You have had a post op ct so if it was a seroma they should have been able to see the fluid. So consensus seems to be to talk to either GP or BCN, it won't just settle on its own? I had a modified radical mastectomy, chemo and radiation in 1996-1997. Hard to feel good about oneself when you look 8 months pregnant. abdominal swelling.I hadn't even heard or considered thatthanks for the info. However, its more swollen on one side and I am experiencing pain. Dr. David Earle answered General Surgery 32 years experience Variable: While everyone is different, the wounds and healin process should be about 90% complete in the 6-8 week timeframe. This was my second bout of cancer, as I had a lumpectomy the previous year. I did find this information which may be helpful to see if there are things in your day-to-day that you can add or modify to support reducing bloating. @chamisa See my post below. Swelling after mastectomy A 69-year-old female asked: How long will i have tightness and swelling after double mastectomy? Some examples of things to pack are: Recovering from a mastectomy can be physically and emotionally challenging at times. I am a year out of a bilateral mastectomy with no reconstruction and seem to have developed a lot of belly fat and am taking a anastrozole. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. yes . If you belong to a medical group, they may be able to recommend a physical therapist, but you do want someone knowledgeable in lymph massage. Your surgeon can give you a more specific timeline for how long your recovery period may last. Hello. 20002023 The Breast Cancer Site and GreaterGood. @almostoutofthewoods There are different lymphedema pads called "swell spots" that are quite helpful. An abdominal CT was normal. After eight years in the system and with an excellent BCN I would always use her as my first port of call. They are not keen to remove the fluid unless it is essential, as it tends to build up again quite quickly. Follow your instincts and if your doctor isn't responsive enough, keep looking for one who will attend to your health needs. Nor, do I hold a doctors degree to suggest what someone should do medically. Also how can I tell if I have a seroma or just post surgical swelling. Owned and operated by, LLC. I don't suppose that this has helped you a lot but I hope it has maybe pointed you in a direction that will help you to find a way out yourself. Swelling can take 4-8 weeks to completely resolve. It's called MLD, or manual lymphatic drainage. Interested in more discussions like this? Backward shoulder rolls. You may not like the look of your implants or the way your chest looks if you chose not to do reconstruction. Pain management in breast surgery: Recommendations of a multidisciplinary expert panel the American Society of Breast Surgeons. Weakness is a common side effect to mastectomy patients, especially to those who proceed with reconstructive surgery. Funds are paid by Greater Good Charities to benefiting organizations as a grant. That was two years ago and I never did the belly binder. Also, try walking to help. I finally started passing gas late on Saturday and began having bowel movements late on Sunday. Its hard to feel anything in the breast area: an accidental brush of someones arm walking by, something poking through your t-shirt or bra, even the intimate moments between you and your significant other are hard to detect. Acute pain from a mastectomy will gradually go away as you heal. Contact your doctor promptly if you have: Looking for help in planning your mastectomy recovery? It's very common, especially with those who have had a double mastectomy. I also experienced a great deal of swelling. X. Coral 5 months ago in reply to LizzieMillie. Gone up several sizes despite losing weight. Ive created list of my top eight post-mastectomy issues to relay over to those who ask. Im currently three years post-mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. So is that it? Be sure if you go to a physical therapist that you confirm that they have been trained in lymphatic massage. Because of this, you may want to ask a loved one to help you out with some of your day-to-day activities as you recover. thanks for replying , it is a great idea and despite buying highly expensive support pants Ive found a swimming costume helps a lot - seems to even the load all out! There must be something out there which acts as an appropriate support band. However, it is important to remember that it is generally not harmful. I didn't have recon, and don't bother to wear my prosthesis much either, but my big hard upper tummy still protrudes further than my E/F cup boobs! Please tell me it will go away. Then revision surgery on August 3rd. Your lymph nodes help filter out harmful substances. Prior to your procedure, reach out to loved ones to ask if they can help you with things like: Put together a bag to bring with you to the hospital. These same lymph nodes that drain the breast can also b A mastectomy bra is usually fitted by a lady who is a trained specialist and is able to measure each patient and determine their size and options. I do have mirrors in my house and my stomach never stuck out before. Its hard to get people to understand that. Most people recover from a mastectomy without complications. Youll generally need to avoid doing household chores and lifting heavy objects for a set period of time. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Resreach. Abdominal swelling may have multiple causes as listed by Bookish. Then she went out and got me fruits and a big salad to push the greens. They suggest using an abdominal binder and more importantly going to a physical therapist trained in lymphatic massage. I couldn't believe the bloat I had. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support and answers. Youll also be given a leaflet that has written and visual descriptions of these exercises. I am now on a very strict program of PT, massage, and bandaging to keep the lymphedema under control. A low-grade fever that is under 100 degrees Fahrenheit is normal the day after surgery. I was given a PT referral for lymphedema evaluation. Over those three years I have talked to numerous women who have sought out my knowledge in hopes that their questions could be answered, or that I might have added insight that their doctors failed to relay to them. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. Try to have a loved one get the prescription filled when youre on your way home, so youll have it on hand if you need it. I am large busted and the gravity pulls it down. I also had my lymph node checked on my left side. YES, we discussed loss of feeling and sensation in my breasts and armpits. Possible problems after mastectomy. Did any of you get a diagnosis? Maximum swelling usually occurs 3-5 days after your surgery and it will generally go away completely in two weeks and even as early as 5 to 7 days. I had a drain in on either side and developed a couple of Seroma. My dx is Colon Cancer w/ liver mets - 8 tumors spread throughout liver so resection of liver not an option, nor is transplant. It is common however to become easi. Another time I got a call from a nurse in my doctors office about adding patient requests blood be drawn from the foot because of breast cancer. The nurse made a comment about good luck with that (my words). There was nothing wrong with my tummy before this op!! p.s. Lung Cancer Surgery Recovery Time: How Long Does It Take? Any update? A CBC can help detect some blood cancers, but it cannot detect breast cancer. Thanks again for trying to help! Some of those nerve ending may regenerate themselves; but for the majority of women, the end result is a lack of sensation. As always, I stress that I am by no means an expert in this area. The hospital and my surgeon said the swelling was not swelling, they said my stomach appeared to me to be swollen because I did not have breasts. Anyone seeing me would assume that I am six months pregnant. Reconstructive surgery can be performed at the same time as your mastectomy surgery. However, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. Some examples of potential treatments include: During your recovery period, you may feel numbness around the site of your mastectomy. Swelling Because of the overall healing response of multiple surgical sites, swelling is normal and expected of the breasts and the abdomen after surgery. Keep at your PT and massage and other care. The dr said that it was lymphatic fluid gathering at the bottom of my breast due to the surgery. Breast reconstruction with flap surgery is the most complex breast reconstructive option. Complete your request online or contact us by phone. Ask to see a lymphedema specialist for help. Since I cannot blame this on lack of exercise, constipation, cancer spread, etc., I guess I will be patient and wait for the medication to work itself out of my system to see if things improve! Be sure if you go to a physical therapist that you confirm that they have been trained in lymphatic massage. Use a thimble when sewing. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. My belly swells and goes down. I am now almost 72, retired, and I don't wear a bra with forms unless I dress up, so my body resembles a man with a big beer belly. Interested in more discussions like this? Chronic pain after mastectomy happens due to nerve damage. Those are your signs to call your doctor for further instructions. I hear you. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam. Life is full and good post cancer and treatment. It sounds as if you are doing fairly well. I am really glad you contacted your doctor right away. A belly binder may just bind the area and not let the lymphs move along. She did Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). Most of the people faces problem after surgeries but then you must be really cautious about all these problems. Thank you in advance for sharing your experience. Your surgeon transfers a section of skin, muscle, fat and blood vessels from one part of your body to your chest to create a new breast mound. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use linked below. I do not get my blood drawn at the cancer center nor the hospital associated with it. This is great info. Did you get a response? All, I am 5 weeks post double MX and have the belly swelling you describe. Your surgeon will be able to give you more specific details. I had a modified radical mastectomy, chemo and radiation in 1996-1997. @delight I think of you often, I apologize that I kind of lose track of conversations. breast reconstruction during your mastectomy. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. These are typically removed during a follow-up visit. Its not just discomfort- as we all know how uncomfortable the tightness can be! Did you get it sorted ? on the non affected side. I WAS a 13 year survivor until last month. Your recovery time can depend on a variety of factors, like the type of mastectomy that you had and your overall health. Of course, I could just be obese in that area. Mine has in ever since chemo so thought it was from that but other folks noticed it after anesthesia. Its also common to feel a bit nauseous from the anesthesia. What are the side-effects they need to be aware of? Yet another thing to add to the list of 'why don't they forewarn you about these things'?? A coordinator will follow up to see if Mayo Clinic is right for you. Melatonin and Breast Cancer: Is it Safe and Can it Help? My doctor says it is IBS but my only symptom is bloated belly. I hope that your recuperation continues to progress. October 2003 #5. If anyone has a rave review of someone who does MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) in Minneapolis, please share. Nette, thank you so much for that - I'll certainly get it checked out. Good Luck everyone and a swift recovery. Sooooo frustrating. I have had bilateral breast cancer with lymph nodes removed and I seem to have to fight to get proper treatment. It may take time to regain that muscle strength. I am not fat just looks like a have a basketball under my shirt. I really hope you find it! I had surgery Feb. 27, 2019 and had abdominal swelling. FYI @almostoutofthewoods. However, recovery can be longer for some individuals, potentially taking months. When having a mastectomy, your breast tissue is cut away from your skin. Its okay to feel angry and upset at the world for a while. I was stage 1 in my left breast, but had the double as a preventative measure, since I never wanted to go through this again. These include redness, pain, heat, increased swelling, or fever. The hospital and my surgeon said", "I have mild lymphedema in one arm after a bilateral mastectomy where seventeen lymph nodes were", "@chamisa See my post below. Do you think I would benefit from a chest and abdominal binder? I already messaged my surgeon. I've tried every logical thing I can think of and nothing helps. Your surgeon may be have a point that your stomach hasn't changed but it is more visible now because the breasts have been removed. You can do research about them on Google to understand how they work. Its important to stick to your recovery plan. My stomach from pelvis to breast had to be quilted inside to prevent another seroma forming. I had to fight with the doctors to get care and ultimately had to take it upon myself to get PT and massage therapy (which I had to pay for myself) because they kept saying I didn't have it. Publication types Case Reports Review MeSH terms Abdominal Wall / innervation Abdominal Wall / physiopathology* Humans The swell spots are sewn in a way for the lymph veins go move the lymphatics along. Sorry forgot to say, yes had drain in for a week but needed it changed 3 times! How long was your tummy swollen for? Do you think I would benefit from a chest and abdominal binder? I was discussing my request for lymphedema consideration when I went for blood work etc. Side Effects (Stomach distended and hard and will Not go away): I just had a bilateral mastectomy on the 29th of April 2020 and my drain stayed in for about 4 weeks but after I was able to move around I noticed that my stomach was like really hard and round exceptionally round like a beer gut and I was thinking it was because I didn't have breast anymore but it's not that, it is still that way now and I supposedly been able to go back to work 6th June and it has not left and I have lost the weight not a lot but I have lost the weight but that stomach is still hard and still be big like I'm pregnant and it's very upsetting and I've asked about it at my doctor and nobody is able to tell me so I'm having a colonoscopy in a few weeks and I asked for an endoscopy to see if it's something in there if someone finds out any information please let me know cuz I will tell you the results of my endoscopy if they find anything I'm going to ask the gastroenterologist about it, good luck ladies is all I can say and I didn't have the reconstructive surgery because I had breast cancer before and I had radiation and they told me that on that particular side I was not going to be eligible for it because my skin would not stretch anymore, but if anybody knows anything please put it on here so I can read it thanks and I'm praying for us all to figure out how we can Live with this new shape of our body that I don't think you're not supposed to have, Thanks and you are absolutely right! Ido have swelling around my side and back, and under my arm, and a feeling on the upperunderside of my arm of a rubbing sensation, as if it's badly grazed.i guess this is all post op symptoms but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this. Mastectomy lymphnodes 15 years ago. Arm swelling most often is from lymphedema which can be evaluated and treated by a trained specialist. It's horrible enough going through cancer and treatment and all of the problems involved without having this disfiguring problem. FYI @almostoutofthewoods. I'd put it down to the fact that now the boob has gone, I can see this side of my stomach - but not the other, where I still have a boob. @mariahpendl, I wanted to check in. However, the surgeon got a little ambitious and created a lot of damage on my left side to remove the node. I bought the 9" abdominal binder from the medical store called Aids for Recovery. How to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer: 10 Lifestyle Recommendations, Symptoms of Late Stage Metastatic Breast Cancer, What to Know and Consider Before Having Prophylactic Mastectomy, a dressing or bandage to cover your incision and keep it clean, a surgical drain to help blood and fluid drain from the surgical site, how to care for your incision, including how to bathe or shower, which exercises to do to promote range of motion in your arm and shoulder and how often to do them, what you may expect as far as pain, numbness, or other sensations, how to recognize signs of complications, like infections or lymphedema, when you can start doing certain activities again, such as household chores, driving, and wearing a bra, experienced acute, severe postmastectomy pain, bleeding from the surgical site thats more than you were told to expect, redness, swelling, or pain around your incision, an area thats red, tender, or feels warm to the touch, unexplained swelling around the surgical site, which could be signs of a, persistent swelling in your arm or hand, which can be a sign of, a notebook for tracking medications or for writing down questions to ask your surgeon during your follow-up appointment, a wedge pillow to help keep you propped up in bed or on the couch. Depends: It depends how long after gastrectomy.If the swelling happens a few days later, it can be due to infection or bleeding. None of my clothes fit me and I know I haven't suddenly put on so much weight to make me look 6 months pregnant! Also given the line that "it just looks bigger because you have no breasts". Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Not do vigorous, repetitive movements against resistance with the affected arm. This was at a cancer center that was connected to a hospital that had a trauma center! The doctors kept telling me I wouldn't get lymphdema with just one node removed. I saw this video yesterday on youtube explaining swelling after surgery by Dr. William Miami. Sigh. Connection & Conversation: Open for the holidays. Thank you! It takes several weeks to recover from a mastectomy. Thanks for the info, but it's definitely not a regular "bloating" or digestion problem. I had surgery Feb. 27, 2019 and had abdominal swelling. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. Most have been trained on the job by a mentor some actually have had themselves a mastectomy or lumpectomy for even better first hand advise the m How long will i have tightness and swelling after double mastectomy? A 2018 observational study estimated that 20 to 30 percent of people who undergo breast surgery experience some type of chronic pain. You can do research about them on Google to understand how they work. Regular massage, especially deep tissue, can be harmful. As a retired RN the abdominal bloating made no sense at all. My doctor says it is IBS but my only symptom is bloated belly. My doctor was reluctant to admit lymphedema was a potential problem but finally relented and made the referral. My seroma was only found after I had a full body scan when a primary was found in my second breast. 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Ryan Larsen Omaha Found, Articles A